How to Make Your Own Holiday Wreath

Several parts of Ontario are already experiencing their first snow of the season, which is often such a welcoming site at this time of year since it reminds us so keenly of the upcoming holidays. Freshly fallen snow on pungent evergreens can give us an instant feeling of warmth and holiday cheer. Take advantage of your festive spirit by making your very own holiday wreath!

Difficulty Level:


What You’ll Need:

  • Florist wire and cutters
  • Garden gloves
  • Wreath ring
  • Green twine or glue + glue gun
  • Evergreen foliage
  • Holly, pine cones, dried orange peels, cinnamon sticks, etc.
  • Moss (optional)
  • Wreath Hook


Slip on your garden gloves, as you’ll be handling prickly holly and evergreen. If you’re using moss as your base, add thick handfuls of it on top of the ring, securing it every inch or two with twine or florist wire. The stronger and wider your base, the more you can add to it.

If you’re putting the spruce and pine (and even rosemary) branches directly on top of the ring, keep the leafy parts to the right and work in a counter-clockwise motion to hide the twine or florist wire underneath. Follow along the ring and when you get to the end, tuck the woody part beneath the leafy end of the first bit of foliage you attached to complete the circle. Now, you have the base.


Here comes the creative part. There are many ways to decorate a wreath:

  • The centrepiece wreath. This style features a “middle point” that’s decorated with large or vibrant ornament, such as baubles, bows, or oversized pine cones. The decorations around the wreath are smaller and less showy.
  • The symmetrical wreath. This style is similar, as there is a centre point, but the decorations are mirrored on either side of it. This wreath style is ideal if you have a few bold or colourful ornaments.
  • The freestyle wreath. This type of wreath is decorated in one continuous flow without any centrepiece. As wreaths are symbolic of the circle of life and the cyclical pattern of the seasons, a freestyle wreath may be the most representative of the original meaning behind this ancient tradition. Decorate your wreath with a string of beads, orange peels, holly berries, cinnamon sticks, bows, or whatever you want.


Decide where the top of the holiday wreath will be and tie a loop around the wreath ring with florist wire. Hang on your front door window and enjoy!

No matter how you spend the holiday season, a bright and cheery wreath can liven up your spirits and deliver a fresh scent of evergreen every time you walk by. Want more gardening tips, discounts, and special offers? Sign up for our newsletter!